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Yoga for Beginners

“I was advised to start with yoga but I can’t even sit in a cross-legged position.” We hear this sentence almost daily. If you can’t sit in a crossed legged position then The Yoga Society is the place to be. We offer a Yoga Beginners Course for people like you! In 6 x 60 minutes sessions we will help you with the Yoga basics.

yoga for beginners

Everybody can remember their first yoga lessons. And the first Yoga experiences are often uncomfortable. Because Yoga can be difficult. Especially if you have never done Yoga before. Therefore we offer you a kickstart program to get you acquainted with the Yoga Basics: The Yoga Society ‘Yoga Beginners Course’!

Yoga for Beginners: in the comfort of your own home or office we will teach you the following:

  • The three main stream Sun Salutations
  • How to breath during class
  • Variations of most common positions
  • Variations of positions you might be worried about like for instance the crossed legged position
  • Different kind of yoga styles (Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Kundalini, Gravity and Restorative Yoga)
  • Main mantras and their meaning
  • Proper use of props

After these sessions you will feel comfortable and confident in any Yoga School or Yoga Class. And you will find out what style of Yoga suits you best. The Yoga for Beginners course we offer in private yoga sessions or in groups. At a location of your choice or online. Please let us know if you have special wishes in this Yoga for Beginners course, because we will adapt our program to your needs if possible.

We will take care of the props needed like for instance yoga mats, yoga blocks, straps and bolsters in private lessons. You don’t have to invest in yoga gear for this Yoga for Beginners course. If you choose the online course we will discuss the props/alternatives in the first class.


For more information on rates and start dates you can check our Pricing page. 

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